is a Copenhagen-based visual artist and illustrator known for his unique style that often explores themes of mysticism, the occult, and melancholy, with an underlying current of dark humor. His medium of choice includes ink, papercuts, and collages, which he uses to create pieces that reflect a deep engagement with these thematic elements.

Satto's work has gained recognition for its distinctive
style, characterized by a blend of abstract and figurative elements, often featuring intricate details and a somber tone. His creations are not just mere representations but seem to delve into the deeper, often darker aspects of human emotion and experience.

  • His art is available in various forms, including prints and original pieces, catering to a diverse audience of art enthusiasts. His portfolio showcases a range of artworks that demonstrate his skill and creative vision, making him a notable figure in the contemporary art scene in Copenhagen.

  • Collaborations:

    Satto has collaborated with a variety of venues and publications. Below is a summary of some of their collaborations:

    The Climate Patch Project - An international, ongoing initiative aimed at promoting knowledge of sustainable fashion through workshops focused on linocutting and upcycling patches.


    2023:Blågårdens Apotek - A solo exhibition.


    2022: Jailhouse - A solo exhibition.


    2018: AFUK - Created posters.


    2018:Time Machine at Kulturhuset Islands Brygge - installation.


    2016: Space10 - Fremtidssalon, a venue for future-focused discussions.
    Oversized paintings


    2016: Irmabyen Venue - Installed installations.


    2013: Vesterbro Ånd - Conducted outdoor installations
    in Vesterbro.


    2010: KraftWerket - Participated in a group show.

    2011: Tap2 - Served as a venue for Kulturnattens Efterfest.
    Featured installations.


    2011-2012: Tap1 - CPH KIDS Venue - Displayed installations and artworks. 

    2010: Warehouse 9 - Presented an installation in a group show.





    FROM Magazine (Issues 1, 2, 3) - Contributed illustrations.


    Hackshooling- Provided an illustration.


    Generation Kan Selv - Created an illustration.


    Ud Af En Neondrøm - Supplied illustrations in 2018.


    Growing Together- Offered an illustration in 2022.
